Source code for knncolle.annoy

from .classes import Parameters, GenericIndex
from typing import Literal, Optional, Tuple

from . import lib_knncolle as lib
from .define_builder import define_builder
from .classes import Index, Builder, GenericIndex, Parameters

[docs] class AnnoyParameters(Parameters): """Parameters for the Approximate Nearest Neighbors Oh Yeah (Annoy) algorithm, see `here <>`_ for details."""
[docs] def __init__( self, num_trees: int = 50, search_mult: Optional[float] = None, distance: Literal["Euclidean", "Manhattan", "Cosine"] = "Euclidean", ): """ Args: num_trees: Number of trees to use to generate the search index. More trees increase accuracy at the cost of more computational work, in terms of both the indexing time and search speed. search_mult: Multiplier for the number of observations to search. Specifically, the product of ``k`` and ``search_mult`` is used to define the number of points to search exhaustively and dictates the balance between search speed and accuracy. If ``None``, this defaults to the value of ``num_trees``. distance: Distance metric for index construction and search. """ self.num_trees = num_trees self.search_mult = search_mult self.distance = distance
@property def distance(self) -> str: """Distance metric, see :meth:`~__init__()`.""" return self._distance @distance.setter def distance(self, distance: str): """ Args: distance: Distance metric, see :meth:`~__init__()`. """ if distance not in ["Euclidean", "Manhattan", "Cosine"]: raise ValueError("unsupported 'distance'") self._distance = distance @property def num_trees(self) -> int: """Number of trees, see :meth:`~__init__()`.""" return self._num_trees @num_trees.setter def num_trees(self, num_trees: int): """ Args: num_trees: Number of trees, see :meth:`~__init__()`. """ if num_trees < 1: raise ValueError("'num_trees' should be a positive integer") self._num_trees = num_trees @property def search_mult(self) -> int: """Search multiplier, see :meth:`~__init__()`.""" return self._search_mult @search_mult.setter def search_mult(self, search_mult: Optional[float]): """ Args: search_mult: Search multiplier, see :meth:`~__init__()`. """ if search_mult is None: search_mult = float(self._num_trees) if search_mult <= 1: raise ValueError("'search_mult' should be greater than 1") self._search_mult = search_mult
[docs] class AnnoyIndex(GenericIndex): """A prebuilt index for the Approximate Nearest Neighbors Oh Yeah (Annoy) algorithm, created by :py:func:`~knncolle.define_builder.define_builder` with a :py:class:`~knncolle.annoy.AnnoyParameters` object. """
[docs] def __init__(self, ptr: int): """ Args: ptr: Address of a ``knncolle_py::WrappedPrebuilt`` containing an Annoy search index, allocated in C++. """ super().__init__(ptr)
@define_builder.register def _define_builder_annoy(x: AnnoyParameters) -> Tuple: return (Builder(lib.create_annoy_builder(x.num_trees, x.search_mult, x.distance)), AnnoyIndex)