Source code for knncolle.classes

from abc import ABC
from . import lib_knncolle as lib

[docs] class Parameters(ABC): """Abstract base class for the parameters of a nearest neighbor search. Each search algorithm should implement a subclass that contains the relevant parameters for controlling index construction or search.""" pass
[docs] class Builder: """Pointer to a search index builder, i.e., ``knncolle_py::WrappedBuilder``, for use in C++ to build new neighbor search indices. The associated memory is automatically freed upon garbage collection."""
[docs] def __init__(self, ptr: int): """ Args: ptr: Address of a ``knncolle_py::WrappedBuilder``. """ self._ptr = ptr
def __del__(self): """Frees the builder in C++.""" lib.free_builder(self._ptr) @property def ptr(self): """Address of a ``knncolle_py::WrappedBuilder``, to be passed into C++ as a ``uintptr_t``; see ``knncolle_py.h`` for details.""" return self._ptr
[docs] class Index(ABC): """Abstract base class for a prebuilt nearest neighbor-search index. Each search algorithm should implement their own subclasses, but are free to use any data structure to represent their search indices.""" pass
[docs] class GenericIndex(Index): """Abstract base class for a prebuilt nearest neighbor-search index that holds an address to a ``knncolle_py::WrappedPrebuilt`` instance in C++. The associated memory is automatically freed upon garbage collection."""
[docs] def __init__(self, ptr: int): """ Args: ptr: Address of a ``knncolle_py::WrappedPrebuilt``. """ self._ptr = ptr
@property def ptr(self) -> int: """Address of a ``knncolle_py::WrappedPrebuilt``, to be passed into C++ as a ``uintptr_t``; see ``knncolle_py.h`` for details.""" return self._ptr def __del__(self): """Frees the index in C++.""" lib.free_prebuilt(self._ptr)
[docs] def num_observations(self) -> int: """ Returns: Number of observations in this index. """ return lib.generic_num_obs(self._ptr)
[docs] def num_dimensions(self) -> int: """ Returns: Number of dimensions in this index. """ return lib.generic_num_dims(self._ptr)