[docs]@dataclassclassFindKnnResults:"""Results of :py:func:`~knncolle.find_knn.find_knn`. If ``num_neighbors`` is an integer, ``index`` and ``distance`` are both matrices. Each row corresponds to an observation in ``X`` and each column corresponds to one of its neighbors. ``index`` contains the indices of the nearest neighbors while ``distance`` contains the distance to those neighbors. In each row, neighbors are guaranteed to be sorted in order of increasing distance. Each row of ``index`` is guaranteed to not contain the index of the corresponding observation. If ``num_neighbors`` is a sequence, ``index`` and ``distance`` are instead lists. Each list element corresponds to an observation in ``X`` and is a NumPy array containing the indices (for ``index``) or distances (for ``distance``) to the requested number of neighbors for that observation. For each observation, the neighbors are guaranteed to be sorted in order of increasing distance. Each element of ``index`` is guaranteed to not contain the index of the corresponding observation. If ``get_index = False``, ``index`` is set to None. If ``get_distance = False``, ``distance`` is set to None. If ``subset`` is provided, the number of rows in ``index`` and ``distance`` (if ``num_neighbors`` is an integer) or their length (otherwise) is instead equal to the length of the subset. Each row or list entry corresponds to one of the observations in the subset. """index:Optional[numpy.ndarray]distance:Optional[numpy.ndarray]
[docs]@singledispatchdeffind_knn(X:Index,num_neighbors:Union[int,Sequence],num_threads:int=1,subset:Optional[Sequence]=None,get_index:bool=True,get_distance:bool=True,**kwargs)->FindKnnResults:"""Find the k-nearest neighbors for each observation. Args: X: A prebuilt search index. num_neighbors: Number of nearest neighbors to identify for each observation in ``X``. This is automatically capped at the number of observations minus 1. Alternatively, this may be a sequence of non-negative integers of length equal to the number of observations in ``X``. Each element specifies the number of neighbors to find for each observation. If ``subset`` is supplied and ``num_neighbors`` is a sequence, it should have length equal to ``subset`` instead. Each element should specify the number of neighbors for each observation in the subset. num_threads: Number of threads to use for the search. subset: Sequence of integers containing the indices of the observations for which to identify neighbors. All indices should be non-negative and less than the total number of observations. get_index: Whether to report the indices of each nearest neighbor. get_distance: Whether to report the distances to each nearest neighbor. kwargs: Additional arguments to pass to specific methods. Returns: Results of the nearest-neighbor search. """raiseNotImplementedError("no available method for '"+str(type(X))+"'")