Collection of KNN methods in C++
No Matches
Collection of KNN algorithms

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knncolle is a header-only C++ library that collects a variety of different k-nearest neighbor algorithms under a consistent interface. The aim is to enable downstream libraries to easily switch between different methods with a single runtime flag, or by just swapping out the relevant constructors at compile time.

The core library supports the following methods:

  • Vantage point tree, an exact search that uses the tree of the same name.
  • Brute force search, mostly implemented for testing.

This framework is extended by various add-on libraries to more algorithms:

Most of the code in this library is derived from the BiocNeighbors R package.

Quick start

Given a matrix with dimensions in the rows and observations in the columns, we can do:

// Wrap our data in a light SimpleMatrix.
knncolle::SimpleMatrix<int, int, double> mat(ndim, nobs,;
// Build a VP-tree index.
auto vp_index = vp_builder.build_unique(mat);
// Find 10 nearest neighbors of every observation.
auto results = knncolle::find_nearest_neighbors(*vp_index, 10);
results[0].first; // indices of neighbors of the first observation
results[0].second; // distances to neighbors of the first observation
std::unique_ptr< Prebuilt< typename Matrix_::dimension_type, typename Matrix_::index_type, Float_ > > build_unique(const Matrix_ &data) const
Definition Builder.hpp:50
Simple wrapper for an in-memory matrix.
Definition MockMatrix.hpp:116
Perform a nearest neighbor search based on a vantage point (VP) tree.
Definition Vptree.hpp:406
Umbrella header for all algorithms.
NeighborList< Index_, Float_ > find_nearest_neighbors(const Prebuilt< Dim_, Index_, Float_ > &index, int k, int num_threads=1)
Definition find_nearest_neighbors.hpp:105

Check out the reference documentation for more details.

Searching in more detail

We can perform the search manually by constructing a Searcher instance and looping over the elements of interest. Continuing with the same variables defined in the previous section, we could replace the find_nearest_neighbors() call with:

auto searcher = vp_index->initialize();
std::vector<int> indices;
std::vector<double> distances;
for (int o = 0; o < nobs; ++o) {
searcher->search(o, 10, &indices, &distances);
// Do something with the search results for 'o'.

Similarly, we can query the prebuilt index for the neighbors of an arbitrary vector. The code below searches for the nearest 5 neighbors to a query vector at the origin:

std::vector<double> query(ndim);
searcher->search(, 5, &indices, &distances);

To parallelize the loop, we just need to construct a separate Searcher (and the result vector) for each thread. This is already implemented in find_nearest_neighbors() but is also easy to do by hand, e.g., with OpenMP:

#pragma omp parallel num_threads(5)
auto searcher = vp_index->initialize();
std::vector<int> indices;
std::vector<double> distances;
#pragma omp for
for (int o = 0; o < nobs; ++o) {
searcher->search(o, 10, &indices, &distances);
// Do something with the search 'results' for 'o'.

Either (or both) of indices and distances may be NULL, in which case the corresponding values are not reported. This allows implementations to skip the extraction of distances when only the identities of the neighbors are of interest.

searcher->search(0, 5, &indices, NULL);

Finding all neighbors within range

A related problem involves finding all neighbors within a certain distance of an observation. This can be achieved using the Searcher::search_all() method:

if (seacher->can_search_all()) {
// Report all neighbors within a distance of 10 from the first point.
searcher->search_all(0, 10, &indices, &distances);
// Report all neighbors within a distance of 0.5 from a query point.
searcher->search_all(, 0.5, &indices, &distances);

This method is optional so developers of Searcher subclasses may choose to not implement it. Applications should check Searcher::can_search_all() before attempting a call, as shown above. Otherwise, the default method will raise an exception.

Tuning index construction

Some algorithms allow the user to modify the parameters of the search by passing options in the relevant Builder constructor. For example, the KMKNN method has several options for the k-means clustering step. We could, say, specify which initialization algorithm to use:

knncolle::KmknnOptions<> kk_opt;

Or modify the behavior of the refinement algorithm:

After which, we construct our KmknnBuilder, build our KmknnPrebuilt index, and proceed with the nearest-neighbor search.

knncolle::KmknnBuilder<> kk_builder(kk_opt);
auto kk_prebuilt = kk_builder.build_unique(mat);
auto kk_results = knncolle::find_nearest_neighbors(*kk_prebuilt, 10);

Check out the reference documentation for the available options in each algorithm's Builder.


All methods implement the Builder, Prebuilt and Searcher interfaces via inheritance. This means that users can swap algorithms at run-time:

std::unique_ptr<knncolle::Builder<decltype(mat), double> > ptr;
if (algorithm == "brute-force") {
} else if (algorithm == "kmknn") {
ptr.reset(new knncolle::KmknnBuilder<>);
} else {
ptr.reset(new knncolle::VptreeBuilder<>);
auto some_prebuilt = ptr->build_unique(mat);
auto some_results = knncolle::find_nearest_neighbors(*some_prebuilt, 10);
Perform a brute-force nearest neighbor search.
Definition Bruteforce.hpp:218
Interface to build nearest-neighbor search indices.
Definition Builder.hpp:22

Each class is also heavily templated to enable compile-time polymorphism. We default to ints for the indices and doubles for the distances. If precision is not a concern, one can often achieve greater speed by swapping all doubles with floats. The choice of distance calculation is also a compile-time parameter for most subclasses, and users can define their own classes to use a custom distance.

The choice of input data is another compile-time paramter, as defined by the MockMatrix interface. Advanced users can define their own inputs to, e.g., read from file-backed or sparse matrices. For example, we implement the L2NormalizedMatrix class to apply on-the-fly L2 normalization of each observation's vector of coordinates. We then combine this with the L2NormalizedBuilder class to transform an existing neighbor search method from Euclidean to cosine distances.

bool use_cosine = true;
std::unique_ptr<knncolle::Builder<decltype(mat), double> > ptr;
if (use_cosine) {
typedef knncolle:VptreeBuilder<
knncolle::L2NormalizedMatrix<> // only use as a template argument.
> L2VptreeBuilder;
ptr.reset(new knncolle::L2NormalizedBuilder(new L2VptreeBuilder));
} else {
ptr.reset(new knncolle:VptreeBuilder<>);
Wrapper around a builder with L2 normalization.
Definition L2Normalized.hpp:212
Wrapper around a matrix with L2 normalization.
Definition L2Normalized.hpp:160
Collection of KNN algorithms.
Definition Bruteforce.hpp:22
Compute Euclidean distances between two input vectors.
Definition distances.hpp:68

Check out the reference documentation for more details on these interfaces.

Building projects with knncolle

CMake with FetchContent

If you're using CMake, you just need to add something like this to your CMakeLists.txt:

GIT_TAG master # or any version of interest

Then you can link to knncolle to make the headers available during compilation:

# For executables:
target_link_libraries(myexe knncolle::knncolle)
# For libaries
target_link_libraries(mylib INTERFACE knncolle::knncolle)

CMake with find_package()

find_package(knncolle_knncolle CONFIG REQUIRED)
target_link_libraries(mylib INTERFACE knncolle::knncolle)

To install the library, use:

mkdir build && cd build
cmake --build . --target install

By default, this will use FetchContent to fetch all external dependencies. If you want to install them manually, use -DKNNCOLLE_FETCH_EXTERN=OFF. See extern/CMakeLists.txt to find compatible versions of each dependency.


If you're not using CMake, the simple approach is to just copy the files in include/ - either directly or with Git submodules - and include their path during compilation with, e.g., GCC's -I. The external dependencies listed in extern/CMakeLists.txt also need to be made available during compilation.


Wang X (2012). A fast exact k-nearest neighbors algorithm for high dimensional search using k-means clustering and triangle inequality. Proc Int Jt Conf Neural Netw, 43, 6:2351-2358.

Hanov S (2011). VP trees: A data structure for finding stuff fast.

Yianilos PN (1993). Data structures and algorithms for nearest neighbor search in general metric spaces. Proceedings of the Fourth Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms, 311-321.