Collection of KNN methods in C++
No Matches
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 NknncolleCollection of KNN algorithms
 CBruteforceBuilderPerform a brute-force nearest neighbor search
 CBruteforcePrebuiltIndex for a brute-force nearest neighbor search
 CBruteforceSearcherBrute-force nearest neighbor searcher
 CBuilderInterface to build nearest-neighbor search indices
 CEuclideanDistanceCompute Euclidean distances between two input vectors
 CL2NormalizedBuilderWrapper around a builder with L2 normalization
 CL2NormalizedMatrixWrapper around a matrix with L2 normalization
 CL2NormalizedPrebuiltWrapper around a prebuilt index with L2 normalization
 CL2NormalizedSearcherWrapper around a search interface with L2 normalization
 CManhattanDistanceCompute Manhattan distances between two input vectors
 CMockDistanceExpectations for a distance calculation class
 CMockMatrixCompile-time interface for matrix data
 CWorkspaceWorkspace for consecutive access to all observations
 CPrebuiltInterface for prebuilt nearest-neighbor search indices
 CSearcherInterface for searching nearest-neighbor search indices
 CSimpleMatrixSimple wrapper for an in-memory matrix
 CVptreeBuilderPerform a nearest neighbor search based on a vantage point (VP) tree
 CVptreePrebuiltIndex for a VP-tree search
 CVptreeSearcherVP-tree searcher