Collection of KNN methods in C++
▼Nknncolle | Collection of KNN algorithms |
CBruteforceBuilder | Perform a brute-force nearest neighbor search |
CBruteforcePrebuilt | Index for a brute-force nearest neighbor search |
CBruteforceSearcher | Brute-force nearest neighbor searcher |
CBuilder | Interface to build nearest-neighbor search indices |
CEuclideanDistance | Compute Euclidean distances between two input vectors |
CL2NormalizedBuilder | Wrapper around a builder with L2 normalization |
CL2NormalizedMatrix | Wrapper around a matrix with L2 normalization |
CL2NormalizedPrebuilt | Wrapper around a prebuilt index with L2 normalization |
CL2NormalizedSearcher | Wrapper around a search interface with L2 normalization |
CManhattanDistance | Compute Manhattan distances between two input vectors |
CMockDistance | Expectations for a distance calculation class |
▼CMockMatrix | Compile-time interface for matrix data |
CWorkspace | Workspace for consecutive access to all observations |
CPrebuilt | Interface for prebuilt nearest-neighbor search indices |
CSearcher | Interface for searching nearest-neighbor search indices |
CSimpleMatrix | Simple wrapper for an in-memory matrix |
CVptreeBuilder | Perform a nearest neighbor search based on a vantage point (VP) tree |
CVptreePrebuilt | Index for a VP-tree search |
CVptreeSearcher | VP-tree searcher |